Communications specialist with a knack for creating compelling content
Have you ever gone to a website or read a brochure that has long, run-on sentences that try to explain everything all at once using big, thesaurus-y words that actually distract you and don’t give you the information that you want or need and by the time you get to the end you’re confused and even a little annoyed that you actually re-read the sentence in another attempt to understand what it’s trying to say?
Me too. Good thing I don’t write like that! When I create content, the reader is the first thing I think about—understanding the who should come before writing the what.
Striking a balance between being concise and compelling can be tricky but when it’s done well, even a spec sheet about hammers can be enjoyable.
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Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
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I’ve held a variety of professional writing positions in advertising, marketing, journalism and the entertainment industry, where I’ve been responsible for delivering everything from social copy to 10,000 word features.
In addition, I’ve published three novels and have placed short stories in several prominent literary magaxzines. My latest novel was optioned by a major film production company for TV development.
I’m based in NYC, but available to travel for longer consulting engagements.
All works on this site are the property of my clients and are featured here with their express permission.